"Structure, Beauty and Emotion are all possible through a painting” Michael H. Berlinger
Oil On Canvas History
Oil painting, at its roots, uses a purified linseed oil base. Various colorants are mixed with turpentine and accelerants to create the well known colors and brands that are common today. While oil paints are often associated with the works the great Renaissance artists, the use of oil as a fluid medium can be traced back to the time of the early Roman Empire.
Oil Paints
Painting with oil colors gives the artist a brilliant level of detail and depth. While Heritage Restoration's artists have experience working with acrylics and other paint bases, we feel that oils give us the most freedom to create beautiful works of art. From a technical viewpoint, the outstanding ease with which the fusion of tones, satisfactory linear treatments, and crisp effects are obtained make oils unique among fluid painting mediums. Opaque, transparent, and translucent painting all lie within oil’s range, and it is unsurpassed for textural variation. All of these wonderful attributes are worked into Heritage's new works of art, as well as our recreations.
Currently canvas is made of a cotton blend, instead of traditional linen. This was done to help decrease the cost of its base materials; however, it is still possible to create works of art on the original canvases. Depending on the application, Heritage will stretch the canvas on a stretcher frame and prepare it to accept paint. If the canvas is to be applied to a wall or ceiling, it will be stretched using different methods. It is critical that the canvas is treated properly from the beginning, so as to avoid harmful elements (such as acids) degrading the integrity of the painting structure.
A unique offering from Heritage Restoration is the ability to paint on wood in a style consistant with the masters of the past. Proper back priming and bonding is guaranteed. Wood backed oil paintings tend to grow quicker in value than canvas counterparts.
The artists employed at Heritage Restoration and Design paint beautiful replicas of the original masters works. We also have the capability to create high quality new artworks per our clients' requests.
We also supply framing!
Some Notable Past Works of Art:
- Murillo’s Immaculate Conception (84’’x 108’’)
- Custom Imagery for educational institutions
- Godfrey de Bouillon, original work after a woodcut
- Various religious saints
- Nativity scene
- Old Jerusalem
- Angels and Cherubs
- New Orleans 1803
- Cartagena 1600’s, Castillo San Felipe de Barajas
- Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany
- Mespelbrunn Castle, Germany
- Castle Alcazar de Segovia, Spain
- ‘Bouquet Sunflowers’ after Claude Monet
Contact us for more information for any of your painting restoration needs!
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